Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

Discussing the meaning of "gratitude"

The word "gratitude" is a word derived dart Arabic. This word in the Big Indonesian Dictionary is defined as: (l) gratitude to Allah, and (2) fortunately (expressed relief, happy, etc.). Linguistic understanding is not entirely the same as understanding the origin of the word according to (etymology) and by the use of the Koran or religious terms. In the Qur'an the word "gratitude" to the various forms found as many as sixty-four times. Ahmad Ibn Farts in his book Al-Lughah Maqayis mentions four basic meaning of the word, namely,

Praise for their kindness obtained. Nature is to feel pleased or satisfied with a little though because it's the language used this word (gratitude) for a fat horse, but just needs a bit of grass. Proverb also introduced the phrase Asykar min barwaqah (More grateful dart "barwaqah" plants). "Barwaqah" is a kind of plant that thrives, despite the clouds without rain.
Fullness and heaviness. The tree that thrives illustrated by "ash-syajarat syakarat" sentence.
Something that grows on tree stems (parasite).
Marriage, or genitals.
Presumably these last two meanings can be returned to the second meaning of the basic understanding earlier. The third meaning of the first line with the meaning expressed satisfaction with the little ones, was the meaning of the fourth with the second meaning, as with marriage (genitals) to give birth to many children. Basic meanings can also be interpreted as cause and effect, so the word "gratitude" sign "Who is satisfied with a little, then he will have many, thick, and lush." Ar-Raghib al-Isfahani known as one of the expert language of the Quran written in Al-Mufradat fi Gharib al-Quran, that the word "gratitude" means "picture in the mind of nikrnat and displaying them to the surface." This word-write-Ar-Raghib by scholars as derived from the word "syakara" which means "open", so he is the opposite of the word "kafara" (kufr) which means to cover (one meaning is) forget nikrnat and shut- it up. Meaning of experts presented above can be strengthened with a few verses of the Qur'an were confronted with a word of gratitude word kufr, such as in Sura Ibrahim (l4): 7 If you will definitely thankful Kutambah (My favor) for you, and if you are ungrateful, truly My punishment is very painful. Similarly, the editors of Solomon recognition enshrined Al-Quran: This is part of my gift from God, to test me whether I am grateful or ungrateful (Surah An-Naml [27]: 40). The essence of gratitude is a "show favor", and the nature of infidelity is hiding. Menarnpakkan favors among other means used in the place and in accordance with desired by the donor, also mention delicious and the donor with the tongue: As for the favors of your Lord, then let you mention (Surah Adh-Dhuha [93]: 11). Prophet Muhammad. also said, God saw that the former (the evidence) his favor in the performance of his servant (Reported by At-Tirmidhi). While scholars when interpreting flrnlan God, "Be grateful to Me and do not deny (favors} Me" (Surah Al-Baqarah [2]: 152), explains that this verse contains the command to remember God without forget, obedient to Him without stigmatization with iniquity. Gratitude so. born of sincerity in him, and therefore, when the devil said that, "By Your glory, I will mislead them (mankind) all" (Surah Shad [38]: 82), followed by a statement exception, that is, "unless thy servants that mukhlash among them" (Surah Shad [38]: 83). In Surah Al-A'raf (7): l7 Satan said, "And you will not be find most of them (mankind) be grateful. "sentence" will not find "here is a similar meaning with the exception of the above, so it means that people who are grateful are those who mukhlish (sincere heart). Thus gratitude covers three sides:

Gratitude to the liver, which is the gift of inner satisfaction.
Gratitude to the tongue, by recognizing grace and praise the giver.
Gratitude to the deed, utilizing the grace obtained in accordance with the objectives penganugerahannya.
Description of Al-Quran on thanksgiving covers many aspects. Here are some of them will be presented
Who should be grateful The Quran explicitly states that the benefits of gratitude back to those who give thanks. 'm God Almighty. did not get even the slightest need of His creatures gratitude.
And whoever is grateful, truly his gratitude for (goodness} himself, and whoever-kufr (ingratitude), then surely my Lord Rich (do not need anything) more sublime (Surah An-Naml [27]: 40). Because it also. men who imitate God in His attributes. and reached commendable. is giving without waiting for thanks (reply given) or a thank you. Al-Quran describe how one family (according to history was Ali ibn Abi Talib and his wife Fatima daughter of the Prophet.) Give the food they want to be their iftar meal, the three people who need it and when they said that.
Indeed, we feed you only expect the pleasure of Allah, we did not want a reply from you, nor praise (thank you) (Surat al-Insan [76]: 9). Although the benefits have not the slightest gratitude directed to God. but because of His mercy. He reveals himself as Alim Syakirun (Surah Al-Baqarah [2]: L58). and Syakiran Alima (Surah An-Nisa. [4]: ​​147), which both mean. Most Thankful, All-Knowing, in the sense that Allah will grant additional double favor to the creature grateful. God Gratitude is partly explained by his words in the letter of Ibrahim (14): 7 quoted above
Benefits of Gratitude not for God The Quran explicitly states that the benefits of gratitude back to those who give thanks. 'm God Almighty. did not get even the slightest need of His creatures gratitude. And whoever is grateful, truly his gratitude for (goodness} himself, and whoever-kufr (ingratitude), then surely my Lord Rich (do not need anything) more sublime (Surah An-Naml [27]: 40). Because it also. men who imitate God in His attributes. and reached commendable. is giving without waiting for thanks (reply given) or a thank you. Al-Quran describe how one family (according to history was Ali ibn Abi Talib and his wife Fatima daughter of the Prophet.) Give the food they want to be their iftar meal, the three people who need it and when they said that. Indeed, we feed you only expect the pleasure of Allah, we did not want a reply from you, nor praise (thank you) (Surat al-Insan [76]: 9). Although the benefits have not the slightest gratitude directed to God. but because of His mercy. He reveals himself as Alim Syakirun (Surah Al-Baqarah [2]: L58). and Syakiran Alima (Surah An-Nisa. [4]: ​​147), which both mean. Most Thankful, All-Knowing, in the sense that Allah will grant additional double favor to the creature grateful. God Gratitude is partly explained by his words in the letter of Ibrahim (14): 7 quoted above
 Above we explained that there are three sides of gratitude. namely the liver. tongue. and other limbs. These will be detailed explanations of each side. a. Gratitude with heart Gratitude carefully done knowing full well that favors are obtained solely by the grace and mercy of God. Gratitude to deliver human heart to receive the gift of the full compliance without grumbling and mind how small the favor. Gratitude also requires a grateful realize how great mercy and divine mercy that came out of his tongue to praise Him. Qarun who deny its success upon divine aid, and confirmed that it acquired solely because of his ability, assessed by the Al-Quran as kafir or ingratitude towards him (Read his story in Surat al-Qasas (28): 76 - 82). A person who is grateful to his heart even when catastrophe struck, may be able to praise the Lord, not for evil, but because of pictured him that they experienced certainly smaller than the other possibilities that can happen. From here thanks-like meaning set forth in the Big Indonesian Dictionary quoted above-interpreted by those who are grateful to the "lucky" (feel relieved, because it experienced more mild than that can happen). Of awareness about the meanings of the above, one would fell prostrate to express a feeling syukumya to God. Prostration of gratitude is the embodiment of gratitude to god with heart, performed when the heart and mind to realize what a great blessing granted by Allah. Even the thanksgiving prostration to do when he saw the suffering of others by comparing the situation with the state of those who prostrate. (Of course the bow is not done before the patient's). Thanksgiving prostration is done by laying prostrate on the floor all the members of the forehead, both hands, both knees and both ends of the toes-like prostration in prayer. It's just enough with thanksgiving prostration prostration once, not twice as in prayer. Because prostration is not part of the prayer, the majority of scholars have argued that even valid prostrate without ablution, because prostration to do at any time and spontaneity. But of course it would be better if accompanied by prostration wudu. b. Gratitude with tongue Gratitude to the tongue is acknowledged by saying that God is the source of pleasure and praising Him. Al-Quran. as has been pointed out above. taught to praise God delivered the editor "of al-hamdulillah". Hamd (praise) given orally to the praise. although he did not give any kind to the worshipers and to others. The word "al" in "al-hamdulillah" by language experts called allil-istighraq. which means "whole". So the word "al-hamdu" addressed to God's pregnant sense that the right to receive all the praise is Allah. even all the praise should be focused and geared towards Him. If we return all praise to God. then it berartipada when you praise someone for goodness or beauty. the compliment must eventually be returned to Allah. . Because the beauty and goodness that comes from God. On the other hand if there is the emergence of any act or ordinances of the Lord are possible by goggles man rated "poor". Then it must be recognized that the assessment is due to the limitations of human judgment in setting benchmarks. Thus there must be something missing from the range of vision so that the judgment be so. Result. gratitude to the tongue is "al-hamdulillah" (praise be to Allah). c. Gratitude to act Prophet David A.S. and his son Solomon A.S. obtain an unequaled variety of favors. To the family of God says, Work, O family of David as a sign of gratitude! (Surah Saba '[34]: 13). The definition of work is obtained using the favor in accordance with the purpose of creating or penganugerahannya. This means, any favors obtained by demanding that the recipients reflect the purpose dianugerahkannya favor by God. Take for example the ocean created by Allah. Found in Al-Quran explanation of the purpose of its creation through His word: Is He (Allah) who subjected the sea (to you) so that you can take away meat (fish) fresh, and (that) you pull out from the sea of ​​jewelry that you wear, and you see the ark sailing her, and that ye may seek bounty His (other than those already mentioned) you may give thanks (Surat an-Nahl [16]: 14). This verse explains the purpose of the creation of the sea, so the sea ingratitude, demanding from the thankful to find the fish, pearls and other ornaments, and demand is also to create ships that can wade, even the use of a variety covered by the phrase "looking for gifts His ". In this context, especially the realization of the promise of God, If you are grateful it will inevitably Kutambah (My favor) (Surah Ibrahim [l4]: 7) How the grace of God will not grow, if every inch of land that lie on the earth, every breath of wind that blows in the air, every drop of rain that poured from the sky nurtured and exploited by humans? On the other hand, follow the above verse explains that "If you do kufr (ingratitude or cover it does not show the joy is still hidden in the bowels of the earth. At the bottom of the sea or in the air), verily My punishment is very painful." An interesting thing to note from the editors of gratitude to god verse is confronted with a definite promise more firmly and directly sourced from Him (Surah Ibrahim [14]: 7). But just a hint of disbelief due punishment; it was not confirmed that he would override the ungrateful (Surah Ibrahim [l4]: 7). Torture is include hunger, anxiety and fear.
God has made a parable (a) a country which used to secure more peaceful, abundant sustenance comes to him from all sides, but (people) kufr (ingratitude or no work to show) the favors of Allah (latent). Therefore, God made them wear hunger and fear caused by the act (the act) they always do (Surat an-Nahl [l6]: 112). Allah described the bitter experience, it has happened to so many people of the nation, among other things, the Saba-one race of people who lived in Yemen and were never headed by a queen who is very wise, the Queen Balqis. Letter of Saba (34): l5-l9 outlining their story, the one that established the unity and oneness, abundant sustenance and fertile soil its water. Country they are described by the Qur'an wa baldatun thayyibatun Rabbun Ghafur. Those also who commanded in these verses to give thanks, but they turned around and reluctantly so eventually they were scattered-serakkan, changing land becomes barren, communication and transportation between cities that had to be cut off smoothly, leaving only memories and talked about the only. Similarly, descriptions of Al-Quran. In the context of their circumstances. Allah says,
So we will reward them because kufr (kengganan grateful) them. we do not impose such punishment except to people who kufr (Surah Saba [34]: l7). That is partly the meaning of the word of God that is very popular:
If you will definitely thankful Kutambah (My favor) for you, and if you are ungrateful, then my sesusngguhnya very painful punishment (Surah Ibrahim [14]: 7
Human Ability Thankful In essence, humans are not able to appreciate God perfectly, either in the form of sentences of praise especially in the form of action. Because it was found two verses in the Qur'an which shows how the people close to him though. still pray for guidance. inspired and given the ability to be grateful for His blessings.
He prayed, "O God, grant me the inspiration to be grateful for Thy favor which thou hast bestowed upon me and my father to both the mother and for the good deeds that you ridhai" (Surat an-Naml [27]: l9).
He prayed, "O God, tunjukilah me to be grateful for Thy favor which Thou hast given me, and the mother-father, and that I may do good deeds Thou ridhai" (Surah Al-Ahqaf [46]: 15).
Prophet. also pray and teach that prayer to be offered by his people,
O God, help me to remember You, to thank You, and worship for both of you. Petition is needed, not least due to two things: First, humans are not able to know how the best way to praise God, and also because Allah revealed to His chosen people a reasonable sentence they utter. No less than five times is found in the Qur'an Allah commands that read. Wa Qul, "Alhamdulillah" (Say, "Thank God"). Why humans are not able to praise Him? This is because the true praise also requires the right knowledge about who is praised. But because human knowledge is not possible to reach the essence of Allah. , Then also he will not be able to worship and praise Him correctly according to the greatness and the Agunganya.
Glory to you, we were not able to delineate a compliment to you that it (praise) as we praise thee for thy self. On this basis. it is often offered praise to God. preceded by the word "Subhana 'or seakar with that word. Consider his words in the letter ash-shura
The angels glorify their Lord with praise. Or the letter Ar-Ra'd (13): 13:
Guntur glorify Him with praise. Even the man was in the preface prayer beads (purification god of any shortcomings) of "Hamd" (praise), fearing not to praise in saying it does not fit with his keagunga "Subhana wa bi Rabbiyal Azhim hamdihi" when bowing and " Subhana Rabbiyal 'Ala wa bi hamdihi ". The second reason why we ask for His guidance grateful is because Satan is always tempting target humans include diverting them from gratitude to God. Surat Al-A'raf paragraph outlining l7 vicious oath before God to tempt and seduce men from the front, rear, left and right of them so eventually enshrined as the devil said Al-Quran "You-(O Allah)-did not find most of them thankful. " God's creatures are good at least grateful affirmed repeatedly by the Al-Quran, directly by God Himself as His Word:
Verily Allah has the gift to humans but most people are not grateful (Surah Al-Baqarah [2]): 243). In another verse it says:
Work O house of David to give thanks (to Allah). And a Few of My servants are grateful (Surah Saba '[34]: 13). The same Itself admitted by the servants of his choice as enshrined Al-Quran from the Prophet Yusuf as saying,
Most People are not grateful (Surah Yusuf [12]: 38). The nature of the above is also reflected from the use of the word gratitude as the nature of a servant of God. Only two of them were referred to by the Quran as a servant of God who has been entrenched in her nature of gratitude, that Noah's His stated as "Innahu kana 'Abdan syakura" (Indeed he is a servant (of Allah) a grateful) (Surat al-Isra' [17]: 3), and Prophet Ibrahim with his words, "an Syakiran li 'umihi (who are grateful for the favors of Allah) (Surat an-Nahl [16]: 121). Al-Quran highlighted that usually most people only promise to be grateful when they face difficulties. The Quran describes the attitude as the people faced a devastating wave in the ocean:
So they prayed to God with obedience to Him mengikhlaskan solely. (They said), 'If Thou deliver us from this disaster, then surely we will include those who give thanks "(Surah Yunus [10]: 22). Similarly, in Surat al-An'am (6): 63.
Say, "Who can save you from disaster on land and at sea, you pray to Him with humble themselves with a soft voice (saying): Verily, when He saves us from this (fear) we truly will be a part people who are thankful "(Surat al-An'am [6]: 63).
What to be thankful for Basically everything that man has acquired nikrnat should disyukurinya. Nikrnat interpreted by some scholars as the "excess of everything from your capital." Is there human beings have something in stock? The answer is, "No". Is not life itself is a gift from God?
Has there not been over man a period of time when he was not yet a thing called? (al-Insan [76]: 1). God favors so abundant, so that the Quran states,
If you (will) count the favors of Allah, you will not be able to count them (Ibrahim [14]: 34). Al-Biqa'i in his commentary on Al-Fatiha noted that "al-hamdulillah" 'within Al-Fatiha describe all the grace of God that can be enjoyed by creatures, especially humans. That's why more far-wrote the other four letters who also began with al-hamdulillah each describing the favors of God, as well as a breakdown of the contents in favor of embracing the phrase al-hamdulillah in surah Al-Fatihah it. Because Al-Fatihah is the mother of Al-Quran and the verses content specified by other verses. The four letters are:

Al-An'am  that begins,
Praise be to Allah Who has created the heavens and the earth, and dark and light hold. This verse implies existence in this world delicious pengan all God-given potential both on land, sea, and air, as well as dark and light.

Al-Kahf (letter to-l8), which begins,

Praise be to Allah who has revealed to him ba ham the Book (Al-Quran), and make no crookedness (lack of) in it.
Here hinted favors maintenance given actually God in this world. Also called His greatest favors the presence of Al-Quran in the midst of humanity, to "represent" the favors of other maintenance.

Saba '(the 34th letter), which began with.

Praise be to Allah who has what is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth, and to Him all the praise in the Hereafter as well. And He is the Wise, the Knower. This verse implies God's favor in the Hereafter, that new life after death in the world, where the human presence there can gain eternal pleasure.

Fathir, which began with.

Praise be to Allah the Creator of heaven and earth, Who made the angels as messengers to send a wide range of affairs (in this world and in the Hereafter), who had their wings masinq (there are) two, three, and four. This verse is a hint about the favors of God's eternal will be awarded later after experiencing a new life in the hereafter. Each of the details contained in the four groups favor are covered by the four letters at the top. demanded his gratitude harnba either in the form of greeting al-hamdulillah. and recognition of the sincere heart. and practice the act of pleasing Him. In the globally expressed favors necessitated his thanks. In some other verses the many favors called explicitly. among other things:

Life and death

How do you mengkufuri (not celebrate the joy of) Allah, but once you're gone, then you in turn, and then you're off, then turn it on again (Al-Baqarah [2]: 28)

Hidayat Allah

You shall glorify God for His guidance given unto you, that ye may give thanks (Al-Baqarah [2]: 185).

His forgiveness. among others in His word.

Then after that we maajkan your fault that you are grateful (Al-Baqarah [2]: 52).

Senses and reason.

And Allah brought you out of your mother's stomach in a state of not knowing anything, and He gave you hearing, sight, and hearts, that ye may give thanks (an-Nahl [16]: 78).


And in you give him the good fortune that you are grateful (al-Anfal [8]: 26).
Facilities and infrastructure include:

And He (Allah) who subjected the sea (to you) that ye may eat meat (fish) was fresh from her, and you pull out from the sea of ​​jewelry that you wear, and you see the ark sailing her, and that ye may seek (profit) from the gift Him, and that ye may give thanks (an-Nahl [16]: 14).


And (remember) when Musa said to his people: "O my people, remember the favor of Allah upon you when He raised prophets among you nabidi, and maketh ye are independent (free from the oppression of Pharaoh) (Al-Maida [5 ]: 20).
There are still many other favors which explicitly referred to by the Quran. In a letter of Ar-Rahman (the 55th letter), Al-Quran discuss various favors of Allah in this life and the life hereafter. Almost in every two favors mentioned. The Quran repeats the same questions with the editor,
Which of the favors of your Lord do you deny? The question was repeated thirty-one times. While scholars analyze the amount of it and breaks it down to arrive at a conclusion. Eight questions pertaining to the favors of God in this life. among others, favors the teaching of the Quran. Teaching expression heavens, the earth. sun, sea, plants, and so on. Seven questions related to the threat of hellfire in the hereafter. Keep in mind that the threat is part of the maintenance and education, and is one of the favors of your Lord. Eight questions pertaining to the favors of the Lord are obtained in the first heaven. Eight questions pertaining to His favors on the second heaven. From the results of such clustering, the scholars make up a sort of "formula", ie who can be grateful for the favors of God mentioned dalarn pertarna series of eight questions such as the meaning of gratitude expressed in atas'-then he will be saved from the seven gates of hell called dalarn ancarnan dalarn seven questions. At once he can choose doors anywhere from eighth doors of heaven, either heaven or paradise pertarna second. both heaven (worldly pleasures) and pleasure hereafter.

Time and Place of Gratitude

Praise be to Allah who maintain what is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth, and to Him (it) praise in the hereafter. He is the All-Wise, All-Knowing (Surah Saba '[34]: 1). This verse indicates that Allah SWT. be thankful for good in the lives of today's world and in the Hereafter. One of the Hereafter is gratitude of those who enter Paradise who said,
Al-hamdulillah-praise be to God, who gave instructions for us (go to heaven). We did not get any hint of it, if God does not give us clue [Surah Al-A'raf [7]: 43). Thus seen that gratitude be done anytime and anywhere in the world and in the hereafter. In the context of gratitude in the life of this world, the Qur'an insists that Allah SWT. made the night turns to day, so that people can use the time to reflect and give thanks, "He who made the night and the day saih change, for people who want to take a lesson or people who want to give thanks (Surat al-Furqan [25]: 62) . In a letter of Ar-Rum (30): 17-18 God commanded,
So glorify God in the day you are in the evening, and when you are in the dawn of time, and to praise Him in the heavens and on earth, and when ye are in the evening and when you are in the noon time All human activity-day and night-should be a manifestation of gratitude. Gratitude with tongue sued when someone felt a divine favor. That is why the Holy Prophet. Not to lose jemunya say. "Thank God" in every situation and condition. When he woke up saying.
Praise be to Allah who have turned on (wake) we, after shutting down (euthanize) us and unto Him is (later) resurrection. Or read,
Praise be to Allah who returns to me my soul, gave afiat to my body and allowed me to remember Him. When he got up to bertahajjud read,
O Allah, to you all praise. You are the regulator of the heavens and the earth and everything in it. Praise to you, you are the owner of the heavens and the earth and everything in it ... When dressed in his reading
Praise be to Allah who fed us and gave us drink and made us (the) Muslim After dinner he made
Praise be to Allah who menyandangiku with (clothing), the menganugerahkannya me without the ability and strength (of me). When going to sleep he prayed
With your name Oh God I live and die. O Allah, praise be to You seqala, Enqkau Sustainer of heaven and earth. So forth at any time. in a variety of situations and conditions. If someone often said al-hamdulillah, then from time to time he would always feel in the outpouring of God's mercy and compassion. He will feel that God would not let him alone. If consciousness has been etched on the soul. then if at some point he got a trial or bitter. she would say.
Praise be to Allah, nothing is adored and praised despite temptation strikes, but he merely Such sentences came out, because when he realized that if what he felt was really a disaster, but the abundance of His grace is so much, so the trials and calamities that are no longer significant compared with the large number of gifts over the years. In addition it will also crossed his mind, that there must be wisdom behind the ordeal, as all noble deeds God always commendable

Who is thankful for God? The Qur'an also speaks regarding who and how the effort to do so naturally grateful. Twice within the meaning of the word grateful Masykur repeated in the Qur'an. First is.
Whoever wants this life (worldly), then we segerakan for him in this world what we want for the people who we want. and we set him Hell, he will enter the disgraceful circumstances and expelled. And whoever wants the Hereafter and strive toward it seriously while he was believer, then they are the ones who attempt grateful (well rewarded). To each group whether this (world wants it) and that it (which requires the afterlife through worldly business), we provide the help of grace and mercy of Our Lord can not be prevented (Surat al-Isra '[17]: 18-20 ). The second is:
Surely this is a Reward for you, and are grateful for your efforts (Surat al-Insan [76l: 22l. Cue the "this" in the above verse is different heavenly kenikrnatan described by the previous verses, from verse 12 to verse 22 letters 76 (Al-Insan). Surat Al-Isra 'verses 17-20 speak of two kinds of business that was born out of two kinds of human vision. There is a limited vision of "life now". ie during the life of this world. not look far ahead. "Life now" means seconds and hours or days of close of his life. may be too "now" means "of his life in the world to deliver visionary only tens of years. above verse promising that if they tried to be obtained in accordance with its business success, and this is also when God wills. But after that they will feel tired and stagnant, due or society. Saturation with all the negative effects experienced by members of the public and even the general public in the world which adopts secularism-as-they achieve worldly success is evidence of the limitations of vision is no longer encouraged to be creative. Well, when it's born routine eventually gives rise to destruction. nature can occur at the individual level the nature of truth revealed in the Quran. But if our view to the future, the vision of a person or the public beyond the life of his world, he is never going to stop-as someone who hung ideals his goal goes beyond height stars. Ketlka that he will continue to try and be creative. so never feel boredom. because batik successfully next success can still be achieved. Indeed, God promises to constantly and while adding his instructions to those who have received instructions.
And Allah while adding his instructions for the. the rightly guided (QSMaryam [19]: 76). People who are so grateful for all his efforts is what Allah. They are grateful that will gain heaven as described by the word Masykur second paragraph using these words, the letter of Al-Insan verse 22. So a bit of a description of the Qur'an about gratitude. Even if we are not able to go to minorities-people who are good thanks (or in terms of Al-Quran ash-syakirun. Namely those who had been ingrained in him the essence of gratitude in all three sides: the heart, tongue, and action) -then at least we still have the ability to bend over to people who do thanksgiving-or in terms of Al-Quran yasykurun-however little gratitude. Due to the sound of a religious principle,
Something that can not be achieved in full, not abandoned altogether

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